IQHub is a progressive company, which aims to research and technological development. All innovative activities undertaken by our company include developing new services and products. IQHub does anticipate and fulfill customer’s requirements by examining their needs and provide them with the best solution, as it is essential for us to make sure our clients are satisfied and we help them to run their business. IQHub is stuffed with highly qualified engineers and specialists who are experts in their work. We are planning to make our products available in a variety of territories in North Africa, South America, and Canada. Our strategy is to reach them by visiting a multitude of world’s technological expos. Compared to our competitors, we consider ourselves a very agile company, which we demonstrated by making various policy changes throughout the last year.


IQHub is part of the largest IT holding in Russia – NCC (National Computer Corporation)

Offices in the Russian Federation
0 +
Authorized service centers in all regions of the Russian Federation
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Partners - Computer companies of the country
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of product lines from leading manufacturers
0 +
regional offices with warehouses in largest cities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia
of work in the Russian IT market
0 yrs
total amount of employees
sales the last 7 years
$ 0 b

NCC Business Fields

NCC holding operates in various segments of Russian IT market:

  • Computer equipment manufacturing
  • Computer and communications equipment distribution
  • Turnkey equipment supply
  • System integration
  • Computer equipment maintenance
  • IT consulting
  • Software development and implementation of software solutions
  • Financial solutions

In 2017, holding had 21,9% market share in Russia (according to J’son&Partners Consulting)